The life of a Science Technician can be hectic at times. Not only do they have to ensure that Science practicals run safely and to schedule. But the Technician is also called upon to fulfill many other duties, from corridor marshal to school assembly, putting up seasonal decorations, or helping with any one of a number of events in school.

It feels like sometimes, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day. Is this you? Read on for time management tips for Science Technicians.

he life of a Science Technician can be hectic at times. Not only do they have to ensure that Science practicals run safely and to schedule. But the Technician is also called upon to fulfill many other duties, from corridor marshal to school assembly, putting up seasonal decorations, or helping with any one of a number of events in school.

It feels like sometimes, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day. Is this you? Read on for time management tips for Science Technicians.

Remember why you have to manage your time

Science Technicians first and foremost have to ensure that Science resources and practicals run smoothly in an education setting; and that all health, safety and environmental procedures are adhered to.

You have specialist Scientific knowledge, which few other non-teaching staff have, so your skills are highly sought after by the Science department. You may even find yourself doing some demonstrations!

On top of the Science department’s timetable, you could be a lone Science technician, or work part time hours.

Ultimately, you have to look after your own wellbeing. You have a limited number of hours in which to fulfil an important, in demand role. Let’s explore some time management tips for technicians.

Write down what’s urgent and important

Have you ever felt you have a list as long as your arm of tasks to do? Grab a piece of paper and write out this matrix, which could be your game changer for time management.

Not urgent




Not urgent

Not important


Not important


Then, write down all the tasks you need to do in the relevant square. Those things which need to be done first and make the most impact go in the urgent/important box. Anything falling in the not urgent / not important box can wait for another day, or even be crossed off your list.

Tick through your urgent / important tasks, for a fantastic visual reminder as to how far you have come today.

Say yes to saying NO

For some, saying NO feels awkward, almost impossible to say. But give this simple two letter word a try and you find out how powerful and effective it can be with managing your time.

Perhaps the person asking you to take on another task simply doesn’t understand your current workload and responsibilities. You’re not being unhelpful, you are just helping others understand your priorities.

Ask for help

Be brave and ask for help. Whether you need a fresh perspective or an extra set of hands, asking for help is a big step towards completing your to do list.

Thank yourself at the end of the day

At the end of the day, reflect on all your hard work and thank yourself. Be it a cup of tea, a relaxing bath or time to yourself, remember to be thankful for what you have achieved today.